
After your free Orientation, we encourage people interested in SFRAW to shop at the warehouse first as non-members a few times and try our food before making a decision to join the group. Most people quickly join SFRAW as it makes financial sense after a few shopping trips to become a member to get the 30% discount.

While you can pay for your membership fee here online, we request that you please make the time to come in to meet us, and check out SFRAW in-person first before joining. It is important to us that we genuinely get to know each and every member personally -- we truly care about and admire all of our members. Each member brings a unique perspective, backgrounds, challenges, and fascinating experiences that make SFRAW such an incredible and vibrant community.

We love SFRAW members!

While there are many sources of raw food products now, SFRAW stands out as a knowledgeable and helpful community of people who support and advocate for healthy, wholesome TRULY fresh foods with the highest possible standards for responsible, ethical, carefully considered sourcing, and exceptionally high quality standards. SFRAW is not just a store or manufacturer, we began as, and continue to function as, a community of individuals that make well-researched, conscientious decisions regarding the health and well-being of their animals, and make purchases that reflect and support their personal values. If this sounds like you, we know you will enjoy being a part of our community!

SFRAW is a community of truly special people that genuinely love, and are especially dedicated to, their animals - more than most. We are a diverse community from all backgrounds, interests, and perspectives that find commonality in the goal of sourcing the very best possible nutrition for our carnivores, and we'd love to have you be a part of it!

Memberships are:

SFRAW members immediately enjoy several key benefits when they join:

ORDER from our full catalog of products that we sell for custom ordering of whatever you need

FREE delivery of your ORDER (order whatever you’d like – no minimums, etc.), delivered by fellow member volunteers to rendezvous pick-up locations in the SF Bay Area once per month (requires ordering according to our order/pick-up schedule)

Please, come visit any time – we look forward to meeting you and supporting you and your animals!


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