Frozen Bulk Cases

Did you know we have LOADS of SUPER WELL PRICED bulk frozen cases available EVERY DAY at SFRAW?
As of Feb 2024, our current backstock weight = 30,000 lbs of bulk cases. We are looking to move this product ASAP, and will be updating this section of the website daily. The backend of the website went through a major platform system upgrade on 2/15/2024. There may be some bugs related to this, but hopefully, you'll only notice improvements in navigation. 
  • Most of these products are kept in stock daily for walk-in purchase.
  • Non-members must purchase in store via walk-in, from inventory available at the time of your visit.
  • Only current SFRAW Members are eligible to place orders, holds or reservations. To become a member, please go here.
  • Out of stock items can generally be ordered with a 1-3 wks. lead time.
  • Prices are for "case in/case-out" bulk frozen cases only.
  • Case sizes vary. Bulk cases average in size between 10 to 50-lbs.
  • Prices are subject to change, but are fairly stable for these items.
NOTE: The same cut from a different supplier will be priced differently! We will do our best to fill your order with the best priced product if price is your primary concern. If husbandry standards are your primary concern, we can make suggestions on a comparable cut from the same producer or the same cut from a comparable producer (organic, certified humane, pasture-raised, regeneratively raised, etc).
Everything is pasture-raised, grass-fed & grass-finished, outdoor raised or wild harvested except:
  • Mary's, Petaluma & Diestel are hormone/antibiotic-free, free-range and GMO-free or organic.
  • Rabbit is hormone/antibiotic-free.
Everything is local or USA raised & processed with the exception of our Hungarian Rabbit from Fossil Farms.  
Everything is USDA or state inspected. Nearly everything is inspected for human consumption, except for those few products deemed to be "Inedible. Not for human consumption." by the inspector.
All "not for human consumption" pet food products are taxable.