Homeopathic Remedies

Please learn about how to use homeopathic remedies here:

Using Homeopathic Remedies (sfraw.net) - watch my short "how to" video on giving remedies here!

Homeopathic Treatment For Dogs - An Acute Materia Medica (dogsnaturallymagazine.com)

Do not follow the instructions on the product label. 

1) Choose the ONE remedy that matches the symptom picture best. Give as small a dose (potency) and give as infrequently (doses) as possible. Often just a single, one time dose is adequate to heal your pet. To be clear: yes, just ONE dose, given one time only, not once a day.

Please DO NOT give any homeopathic remedies daily, unless working directly and closely with a trained homeopath.

2) Do not combine remedies or "chase" remedies by trying one after another. If after 1-2 doses the remedy that you chose has not helped your animal, stop use and consult with a professional homeopath. 

Links to reference material for chosing the correct remedy can be found below:

[Homoeopathic Online Education, David Little] First Aid Room (simillimum.com)


Materia Medica by William Boericke Homeopathy 

Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent Homeopathy

Also: relationship-of-remedies-dr-rgibson-miller.pdf (homoeopathie.in)

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