The stars aligned that, within 12 hours:
1) I learned about new research that showed the effectiveness of beet root on clearing liver/gall bladder "sludge"
2) From a different source, on the same day, I learned that this hepatic disorder/imbalance has become so commonplace in our domestic dogs that it's considered an "unremarkable" (ignorable!) finding in veterinary medical diagnostic tests.
3) Later that day, I learned in our consultation that one of our SFRAW family community members
had this very same finding on her recent veterinary exam/tests, so we discussed incorporating the use of beet root.

4) Our veggie company had locally grown organic red beets listed as one of this week's "staff favorites"

So, of course, I decided to grab a case of these lovely local, just harvested same day organic beets! We ground up 1/2 the case to sell as a standalone option - you'll find it next to the ground local organic BURDOCK ROOT, ground organic fresh raw TURMERIC with organic black pepper, and our RED GOLD RAW.
We also used them in this week's Veggie Mixes and Vitality Blend.
What's so great about BEET ROOT?
100% organic supplemental food that increases levels of NITRIC OXIDE, boosting athletic performance & cardiorespiratory endurance, and BETAINE that aids the body to clear gallbladder/liver “SLUDGE”; supports liver detoxification; aids with digestion; improves muscle mass, and lowers lactate acid to reduce exercise related soreness/muscle pain.
Willow approved
of the ground organic Beet Root, so this will be part of her program. Thank you, Nat & Bill, for the sweet photo of beautiful Willow! 

Has your dog's test results ever indicated the presence of liver/gall bladder "sludge"?
Have you given your dogs beet root before?
Limited supply available.