Yahoo Group File: New To Raw Resources (last updated 4/2007)
Posted by sfraw on Dec 31st 1969
(2010 updates) The website provides basic information on feeding raw diets at the following links:
SFRAW’s Diet + Feeding Philosophy
Home-Prepared Diets Done Wrong: Potential Risks
Home-Prepared Diets Done Right – Kudos!
Free Canine Recipes + Meal Plans (SFRAW Approved)
Free Feline Recipes + Meal Plans (SFRAW Approved)
SFRAW’s Professional Animal Nutrition Consultation Referral List
NEW as of 2013: Schedule a Nutritional Consultation with SFRAW’s Founder, Kasie Maxwell here.
(below is the original content complied & posted for SFRAW members 4/2007)
If you are new to feeding a raw diet…
SFRAW is a buying group and email list for people who are looking for sources of high quality foods for their animal companions in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our group is not specifically designed to answer questions regarding health and diet, but if you have questions regarding the mechanics of feeding raw, it is okay to post to the list.
If you are just getting started or are new to the raw diet, I strongly recommend that you join one or more of the below discussion lists for more detailed and comprehensive information/feedback regarding the nuts-and-bolts of feeding a raw diet and questions about pet health.
Links to Raw Diet and Health Discussion Lists
Raw Diet Lists The RawFeeding List (the biggest raw diet list, it has morphed into a Lonsdale/Prey Model diet list and is, unfortunately, intolerant of other feeding methods) The RawPaws List The advBARF List (for advanced discussions – no beginners, please) The Volhard Nutrition List (for those who are feeding the Volhard diet – see books below)
The BARFLite List (for those who feed cooked meat or kibble in addition to raw)
Cooked Diet Lists
Totally_Home_Cooking (health and nutrition list for people interested in cooking for their dogs)
K9Kitchen (discussion of both raw and cooked home-prepared diets – Monica Segal style)
General Health Lists WellPet (the original natural pet health list) The HolisticPet List
The RawChat List CompanionAnimalCare-Naturally
ClassicalHomeopathyPets (discussion of classical homeopathy only)
Feline Lists The Holisticat List The RawCat List The FelineFutureDiet List The CatWell List (general cat health, not just diet)
Canine Lists The RawPup List (Promotes the Lonsdale/Prey Model diet for puppies. See the Volhard diet list, above, for another puppy diet option – one of many.) The RawBreeder List The NaturalRawDog List (Lonsdale/Prey Model diet discussion only) ThePossibleCanine (discussion of canine health care from diet through training – all inclusive)
K9Nutrition List (discusses dog nutrition, from kibble to cooked to raw diets – all inclusive)
Ferret List The NaturalFerret List
For breed specific raw groups, please go to the Yahoo! Groups site and do a search for your breed “+ BARF” or “+ raw”. You will usually find a list specifically tailored to fanciers of your breed and/or breed type (sighthounds, giant breeds, toy breeds, etc.) This is a great way to get information on feeding your dog or cat.
The RawVet List is a great place to send your vet so they can learn more about raw diets!
In addition, I always recommend that people start with reading through several of the many great books on feeding a natural diet. Below please find a list of recommended books that we sell (you can also buy them through
Foundation books:
* The Complete Handbook for the Dog and Cat by Juliette de Bairacli Levy
(The first and one of the best! Originally published in 1955, everyone should own and read a copy of this book if interested in natural care for their dogs and cats. Learn about Juliette de Bairacli Levy here.)
* Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats by Dr. Richard Pitcairn, DVM and Susan Hubble Pitcairn
(Originally published in 1982 – excellent resource for diet and home health care basics).
* The New Natural Cat by Anitra Frazier and Norma Eckroate
(Published in 1990. A MUST READ for all cat guardians, by far the best book on natural care for cats).
Newer books:
* Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats by Kymythy Schultze
* Raising Cats Naturally: How to care for your cat the way nature intended by Michelle T. Bernard
* The Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog by Wendy Volhard
* Switching To Raw by Susan K. Johnson
* Raw Dog Food: Make It Easy for you and Your Dog! by Carina Beth MacDonald
* Grow Your Pups With Bones: The Bones and Raw Foods Program by Ian Billinghurst
Raw Meaty Bones Promote Health by Tom Lonsdale, DVM
Reigning Cats & Dogs by Pat McKay
The BARF Diet by Dr. Ian Billinghurst, DVM
K9 Kitchen: The Truth Behind the Hype by Monica Segal
* Strongly Recommended by Kasie
Below please find a listing of some of the many websites that offer answers to frequently asked questions, go over the many benefits to feeding raw and even provide pictorial “how tos”.
On Commercial Pet Foods API Report: What’s Really In Pet Food?
Pet Food – Our Pets are Dying for It by Sandra Brigola
Except from Food Pets Die For by Ann Martin
Basic, General Information on Raw Diets
Lew Olson’s Newsletters – great information on diet and disease Dr Billinghurst’s Official BARFWorld Site WellPet’s Nutrition Articles
Feline Specific Sites Cat Nutrition website – great site!
Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation – must read for all cat guardians
Michelle T. Bernard’s Natural Diet Recipes
The Feline Future site The Holisticat site
Canine Specific Sites The BARF Pictorial
RawFedDogs site Natural Rearing diet
Another Good Step-by-Step Pictorial
More on Weighing the Risks vs. Benefits:
Even More Articles:
Our FAQ section has a listing of these books, websites, and discussion lists that can help people new to the raw diet learn more. Please find these resources listed here:
I hope this helps! If you have any questions to send to the group as a whole, feel free to post to the list by sending an email to: