Is Your Lawn (or City Parks Program) Killing Your Dog?
Posted by sfraw on Sep 13th 2012
Wanted to share this great blog post from “Raise A Green Dog”
If you frequent public parks that use sprays/chemicals to manage pests or plants, do what you can to change local policy. We have a real problem with this in SF – particularly in some of our favorite places to walk dogs, in those areas considered part of the “Natural Areas Program”. Learn more about this issue on the San Francisco Forest Alliance website here. Sadly, the NAP practices are pretty terrible and need to change.
At home, we all should strive to do what we can to keep our loved ones, people & pets (and all animals/the ecosystem), safe & healthy! There are a lot of safe and effective ways to maintain our gardens & yards (and homes) without the use of toxic chemicals. One product/remedy we frequently recommend to people these days is FleaBusters & their BioBusters nematode service – a much better way to handle flea problems!