Honoring 9-11: Special Non-Volunteering Membership Offer
Posted by sfraw on Sep 11th 2012
In honor of 9-11 this year, we’re offering $250 non-volunteer memberships for $80 to all police officers, firefighters, EMTs, military personnel & dispatchers through the
end of day Saturday, 9/15. This means you can join & order right away without volunteering. If you worked on-site/survived the events that took place at ground zero on 9-11, lost a family member that day or adopted an animal that lost their person that day, we’re offering you our discounted $60/yr membership for the non-volunteering level.
To participate, simply follow the steps to join here: http://sfraw.com/join.htm
Please include relevant information on the membership form & we’ll get your special membership processed ASAP.
Our current member order pick-up locations include the following locations: West Sacramento (NEW); Santa Rosa; Mendocino; San Jose; Antioch; Berkeley; Oakland; Corte Madera; Fairfax; San Rafael & San Francisco.
Please forward this post to anyone you think might benefit from this offer.
Kasie, Jeff & Patti
San Francisco Raw Feeders (SFRAW)
250 Napoleon Street, Unit G
San Francisco, CA 94124
phone: 415-225-0589